"There are six things the Lord hates, seven that are detestable to him: haughty eyes, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked schemes, feet that are quick to rush into evil, a false witness who pours out lies and a man who stirs up dissension among brothers." (Proverbs 6:16-19)
The Old Testament book of Proverbs is a treatise to young men filled with practical advice for successful living. The bottom-line of the book is that if you want a full and prosperous life, you'll observe certain precepts of personal discipline and relational etiquette.
Lying falls into the category of "really bad moves" not only for the damage it creates in others' lives, but for the fallout you reap in your own life when you spread falsehoods. Here are some examples:
- whatever you gain from lying will be lost quickly
- lying eventually leads to personal destruction
- lying will bring personal shame and disgrace
- a false witness will cause permanent losses
- a leader who lies will be embarrassed and worse
- a liar will lose his freedom
- a false witness won't get away with his lies and will be punished
- the fortune made by a lying tongue will become a trap that leads to personal destruction
- a liar hates those he hurts
You've seen it. People may get away with it for a time and even seem successful in the midst of it. But, the lies do come home to roost, and then there's hell to pay. Literally. (Can you say Enron?)
You must make a personal decision to resist the temptation of lying in order to protect yourself, damage another person, or to gain. The way you do this is to make the determination NOT to resort to lying before the tempting situation ever presents itself.
Then you practice honesty in the small stuff, like returning money when you receive more change than you're due and admitting a mistake rather than making up something to cover your tracks. Then you apply honesty to the larger stuff, like not exaggerating your resume and not cheating on your income tax. Eventually, you build a habit of truthfulness to the point that even when you're blindsided by a tough situation, your first response is honesty.
It's a good place to be. Tough at times, but the rewards of a life honestly lived are sweet.
'Talk at you next week.