Trusting God is easy in the good times.
It's during the hard times that we begin to wonder (and possibly wander).
"Is God there? Does He see what's going on in my life? Does He care?"
For James, persevering means more than just outlasting a trial. It involves maintaining your faith when everything around you is calling that faith into question. "Did God really say you would go through trials? Do you deserve this?" Can you hear the hissss?
So how do we remain faithful during times of hardship? Alistair Begg shared four principles we can remember that will help us to trust God during trials. Here's a quick summary of each.
Understand that when you are experiencing a trial:
- You are still within God's will. Scripture makes clear that God has a plan for the one's He loves and that plan is not voided by trials. In fact, God takes the trials and turns them into good things for those who put their faith in Him.
- You are still within God's keeping. Likewise, God's watch care over us does not stop during a trial. Even though Job suffered some hard stuff, God was there setting limits. In fact, Scripture promises God will not allow us to be tempted beyond what we're able to stand. (I Cor. 10:13)
- You are still within God's training. Hardships can be part of God's equipping regimen to prepare you for an assignment He plans in your future. Consider how you might grow through perseverance. Then, consider how you might help others who are confronted with the same trial you're now experiencing.
- You are still within God's timing. We can't see the end of trials we face. But God can. Our job is to trust that God knows the length of the trial, that he knows how much we can take, that He knows when He has perfected you in this area, and that He will bring the time to a conclusion. Usually, in the nick of time.
By keeping these principles, we can endure the crunch of trials with our faith intact. You've got to admit, it's more constructive than "Run it out!"