Ups, and downs. Some of the ups are more ecstatic than others. Some downs will be perhaps deeper than you can now imagine.
One of the proactive things you can do to prepare now for a comeback after some future defeat is to adjust your view of life to include this truth--you will be dealt difficult blows and at times it will be in spite of your best efforts to avoid it. Life is meant to be lived, and that involves taking risks. The reason people call them risks is because they hold out a chance for both reward and loss.
Understand that living life will involve seasons of winning and seasons of losing. The shame is not in the loss. The true shame is in not having played the game and not having given it your best.
So, to the New England Patriots, I say yes, mourn. You've suffered a very disappointing defeat. But, look at what you accomplished. Think about what you learned along the way. What did you gain in terms of life's intangibles by the experiences of the entire season? How are you stronger for the experience? And what new thing will you start working towards achieving tomorrow?
Perspective. It makes all the difference.
I was given one of those quick, easy-to-remember neumonic devices recently that fits the idea of moving forward after defeat--VIM. Here's what it stands for:
- Vision--Having a vision for accomplishing something in your life.
- Intention--Being intentional about making it happen.
- Means--Determining the means through which you can accomplish it.
That's simplistic, but very helpful, at least in terms of imagining steps and an order.
The Pats need a new vision. What's next for them? Former Dallas Cowboys coach Jimmy Johnson talked about having a perfect season with one of his college teams only to lose in the national championship game. What did he do the next year? He led the team to another undefeated season, followed by a win in the national championship. I'm betting he clearly communicated a new vision for the team and helped them believe they could achieve it.
Then, New England needs to make a decision. Do they intend to come back? They did the impossible once. Can they decide to do the impossible again, to surpass this almost perfect season next year? If they don't make that determination, it surely won't happen.
Finally, they need to figure out by what means they can make the vision happen. How much time, how much effort will be required? How does that translate into practical steps, like studying, practicing, and sacrificing? Make a plan. Follow the plan.
If it's a good plan, if you give it your all, and good fortune falls your way, who knows what you can accomplish! Hang in there--no matter what!