Either that or they were tearing up.
Not having known him personally, this is just a guess: I believe Tony Snow connected with people. Not in a surface kind of way, as we are prone to do. Tony made deep connections not just with family and friends, but with co-workers and professional contemporaries as well.
Among the stories I heard were these that indicate Tony knew how to touch other human beings:
- While undergoing treatments for cancer, Tony made time to call a co-worker and ask about a family member that was recovering from a medical problem.
- Another former co-worker talked about a time when Tony bailed him out by writing a speech for him when he was hung over from a night of partying.
- As White House Press Secretary, Tony took time out of a press conference to welcome back a reporter who had been absent because of his young son's serious heart issues. Tony added how grateful they all were that his son had come through surgery and promised continued prayers.
- A younger reporter who worked with Tony spoke of all the times Tony had encouraged and mentored him.
- Numerous acquaintances and co-workers told of times that Tony bragged about his wife and took off early from work to play with his kids.
A simple way to say it is that Tony Snow gave of himself to others. In spite of his busyness, his status and success, Tony took time to engage with others, know their lives and needs, and then respond to them where they lived.
Connecting personally with others pays dividends in so many ways. I have not doubt it contributed to Tony's success. And yet, I know for a certainty he did not do it to attain success. He did it out of a genuine love and concern for others. People can spot a phony a mile off; but respond appreciatively to genuine care.
If your goal in life is to impact the lives of others, you can take a cue from Tony Snow.