So much of what the world throws at a man is supposed to heat him up. And many take the bait, trying to fill the void in their lives. But, reality is that when you pursue what the world has to offer, it just fills that empty space with ice.
The reason? If Christ is the source of light (and warmth), moving away from him by pursuing worldly things only leads to the big freeze.
So the ultimate goal is closeness to Christ. Peter knew what that was like because of the three years he lived with and watched Christ at work on earth. In turn, Peter also knew a deep sense of absence when Jesus died, rose again and then ascended to be at the Father's right hand in heaven.
What then should the believer do in the meantime to gain as much closeness to Christ as possible? "...and you will do well to pay attention to it (the word of the prophets), as to a light shining in a dark place..." says Peter in verse 19 of 2 Peter 1. Peter goes on in verse 20 to say that all Scripture originated from God, not by the will or intellect of men.
Follow the reasoning:
- Christ came from the Father, lived among us and confirmed what is told in the Scriptures, and then returned to the Father;
- Christ is referred to as "the morning star," a source of illumination (as are the Scriptures);
- Christ is destined to return to earth some day in full glory;
- In the meantime, we have the Scriptures, which also originated from God;
- The best thing we can do to be close to Christ is to be close to God's Word.
That should be incentive enough for any believer to dedicate himself to a regular time of reading, meditating, and studying God's word.
Reading--There are many read-through-the-Bible programs out there that will help you organize and get you through the entire book in one year. It's a fantastic thing to have a handle on the panorama of the biblical story, beginning to end. If you're a new believer, start with the gospels and read them each several times. That's where the closeness to Christ begins.
Meditate--The Bible doesn't just deliver words. It delivers the Spirit, which is from God. These words are not meant to be hurriedly read. They are meant for reflexion. Spend some time with them. Ask questions and wonder about what is being said. Always accompany the reading of God's Word with prayer to the One who originated it. We need His illumination.
Study--I learned more about the Bible when I taught through the Bible over a six-year period. The reason was the discipline required to develop a lesson that would be interesting to people sitting in a class on Sunday mornings. Studying the Word makes it live. And sharing it helps it to live in others.
So, want some warmth here in this dark place? Look to the source of light. You'll find Him in the Word of God.