In the first two chapters of the Old Testament book of Job, we see the man lose his incredible inventories of livestock (his wealth, possessions and income), his ten children in a freak accident (relationships), and finally his own health when he's smitten head-to-toe with painful sores.
You think you have troubles!
The next 36 chapters of Job (the book) record a whine fest as Job (the man) defends his stellar record of godliness while his friends accuse him of having a hidden sin. In essence, Job is saying, "I don't deserve this," which essentially is questioning God. It's like saying, "What are you doing, God? Don't you know I'm on your side?" Job's friends were saying, "Well of course you deserve it." Neither was correct.
We learn through Job's experience that God does not send good or bad into a person's life based on his track record of following the Ten Commandments. God's purposes are often higher than our ability to discern. But we can trust that God is tuned in to our needs and that He is concerned with our ultimate welfare.
So, what is our responsibility during a time of testing? Here are three:
- Seek God. Ultimately, because God is Sovereign, our appeal should be to Him. We reinforce our trust of Him when we seek his involvement in our lives. We acknowledge His care, His goodness and mercy, and His love for us. (2 Cor. 1:8-10)
- Grow in your Faith. If your faith is never tested, you'll never know how strong it is. You test your muscles by adding weights. You test your brain power by taking exams. You should see troubles as an opportunity to increase your belief in what God can do. (Mark 5:35-36)
- Learn to persevere. Like the marathon runner uses short runs to prepare for the big contest, we should use testing times to enhance our endurance. God is the ultimate trainer. We can trust Him for the preparation we need to run the race He has marked out for us. (James 1:2-4)
In the midst of all this, seek to regain the good you may have lost in your life. Health, relationships, and a living wage are all important to a productive life. Seek God's best and ask for His direction and blessing. But then work as if it's up to you, knowing that a loving Father is working behind the scenes for your good.